Suring Public School
Referendum Spring 2025
On January 8, 2025, the Suring Public School Board of Education approved a resolution to place a $1.5 million operational referendum on the April 1, 2025 ballot. The School Board brought forward this referendum to ensure our schools remain safe, functional and ready to serve the needs of our students and staff now and into the future!
An operational referendum helps cover ongoing expenses associated with running a school district. An operating referendum allows the district to raise its revenue limit authority. Since 1993, the state of Wisconsin has put a cap on the amount of revenue that a school district can receive from the state and from local property taxpayers. For the last decade that limit has not kept pace with inflation which means a school's expenses have been rising higher than the amount of money a district is receiving. The April 1st referendum is directly related to the lack of state funding. This is not a problem unique to Suring, it is statewide.
Click on the picture below to learn more!
If an operational referendum is approved, the level of impact will be determined by the mill rate. If the referendum passes, the mill rate for next year is projected to be $4.59, which would mean an increase of 7 cents per $1,000 of property value. Therefore, a property worth $100,000 you would pay $459 dollars in taxes, which is up a total of $7.00 from this year's taxes. If the fair market value of a property is $200,000, the tax for next year would be $990, up $14 from this year's taxes. Please note - The school district does not control the assessed FAIR MARKET VALUE of the properties in the district.